Awards Won
MEDIA ADVOCATE—U.S. Department of Commerce
ENTREPRENEURIAL DREAM MAKER AWARD, Women’s Enterprise Development Corporation, Los Angeles
FOUR EMMY Awards – For best “Public Affairs Series” from the Academy of Television Arts & Sciences.
MEDIA ADVOCATE OF THE YEAR AWARD – From the Asian Business Association. for promoting the power of global thinking within the Asian business community.
NATIONAL MINORITY MEDIA CORNERSTONE AWARD – From U.S. Department of Commerce’s Minority Business Development Agency.
COMMUNITY SERVICE AWARD – Greater Los Angeles African American Chamber of Commerce, 1999 Economic Awards, for dedicated service to the African American community.

CERTIFICATE OF APPRECIATION – Mayor Richard J. Riordan, Los Angeles, California for “Outstanding citizenship and civic contributions”.
MEDIA ADVOCATE OF THE YEAR – U.S. Small Business Administration, California.
SUPPLIER OF THE YEAR – Southern California Regional Purchasing Councils.
RESOLUTION – Office of the Mayor, Congratulating Nelson Davis Television Productions for its 200th “Making It” episode and recognizing the show as a “valuable resource in promoting successful minority business entrepreneurs”.
COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES COMMENDATION – In recognition of dedicated service to community affairs.
U.S. SMALL BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION. ADVOCATE AWARD – Named “Minority Advocate of the Year” for California during the 31st Annual National Small Business Week.